Innovation & Sustainability Chemistry Consortium

An international multidisciplinary chemistry network providing a training and research environment for future international chemistry leaders in India and United Kingdom


India - UK ISCC Launch

India-UK ISCC - Innovation & Sustainability Chemistry Consortium cordially invites you to attend its official launch on 26 February 2021.

With a focus on sustainable technologies, materials and processes, our consortium aims to address key global challenges via 13 research groups across the two nations. Using Virtual Reality, we aim to develop new ways in which to collaborate across large distances. An unique initiative supported by the UK's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

Join us to learn more about the consortium and the opportunities for collaborations.




26th February 2021
10:30 : Welcome – Dr Kevin Lam, University of Greenwich (London, UK)
10:35-10:40 : ISCC's Mission & Objectives - Dr. Anant R. Kapadi (ICT Mumbai, India Coordinator)
10:40-11:10 : Prof. Tom Welton, President of Royal Society of Chemitry (Chairperson : Dr. Ashok Keerthi)
11:10-11:20 : Ms. Susie kitchens, Deputy Director, Global Research and Innovation, Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (Chairperson: Dr. Kevin Lam)
11:20-11:30 : Dr. Stephen Hilton, (UCL) ISCC's Official Launch
11:30-12:00 : Prof. Kylie Vincent, (University of Oxford) "Heterogeneous Biocatalytic Hydrogenations, from batch to continuous flow" (Chairperson: Basker Sundarraju)
12:00-12:30 : Dr. Vivek Polchettiwar, (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) "Carbon Neutrality: India's Atmanirbhar Path to 'Net Zero'" (Chairperson: Dr. Stellios Arseniyadis)
12:30 : Closing Remarks - Dr. Stellios Arseniyadis, (Queen Mary University of London, UK Coordinator)